Friday, May 04, 2007

J.T. Gets His Glasses

J.T. got his glasses today and as you can see from the photo, we are very fortunate that he's very excited about it. When he put them on he was excited to see a big difference right away in his vision. He immediately started comparing how things looked with them on and with them off. He got real excited on the way home because he could read the license plates on other cars.

Tim and I felt like bad parents because we hadn't known he was having vision problems. We trusted that the school had done a vision screen and would have expected them to catch it - especially now that we know it should have been obvious to whoever gave the eye test.

I've worn glasses since I was 6 years old and I know what a pain they can be. I hoped he would be able to forego glasses as a child. But, I'm excited for him now knowing that his vision is improved and he can see properly. We are hopeful this will also help with some of the problems he's had in school.

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