So, per his request, we had eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese grits and waffles for his birthday "breakfast" dinner. It was the 3 of us, plus his Aunt KD, Uncle Bobby, Nana & Jenny.
I bought an ice cream cake at the grocery store. I was gone all day to a meeting and Nana had said she was going to bake a cake... but I guess she forgot, so I bought one instead. The icing was all messed up, but it still tasted good and he enjoyed it... which is all that mattered to me.
One of the presents he received for his birthday was the karate uniform he has on in the photo below. He's been wanting it for a long time, but since it wasn't cheap, we wanted to make sure he got to a point in his Karate that he would make use of it. It's called the XMA uniform.... which stands for eXtreme Martial Arts. He wants to start performing with the "Demo Team" and in order to do so, he needed to have this special uniform. He made all A's & B's on his report card, so part of his reward was earning half of the uniform... then we just surprised him and paid for the other half. We couldn't have bought him anything that would have made him any happier. He also got a new XMA bo staff that he's been wanting. All in all he had a great birthday. Money from his MiMi and Papa, and from his Great Grams, and his Great Aunt Bette (all in Michigan). He got a Walart gift card from his Aunt KD, Nintendo DS & shorts outfit from Nana, Dangerous Book for Boys from Jenny and a few Nintendo DS games from us.
The night before his birthday there was a huge Black Belt testing in the Jacksonville Veteran's Memorial Arena downtown that he wanted to go to. There were hundreds of black belts testing so we went down to see what goes on and to support the black belts from our academy. JT had a choice of wearing his white karate uniform or dressing nicely. He chose to dress in slacks, shirt and tie and was looking rather dapper! He carried his purple belt around with him and got it signed by Chief Master William Clark (8th degree black belt ... pictured below) and about 14 other people.
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Thanks to whoever posted that! :)
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