After we left the park we went to Moe's to meet some of the Youth from church to eat lunch. Then I took Julian to his elementary school to visit his 5th grade teacher, Mr. Gibbons.
On Good Friday, Tim had to work but got home a couple hours earlier than usual. We decided to head out to the Clay County Fair and enjoy the evening. I wish we had found a friend to take along for Julian, I'm sure it would have been much more fun for him. We had a good time though and Julian rode quite a few rides, although he doesn't do any of the scary ones or anything that goes upside down. Tim and I didn't ride any rides, we just watched. My stomach got queasy just watching the rides. We watched the K9 Frisbee dogs while we were there. They were great! Since Julian watched the show he has been wanting to play Frisbee all the time. He's actually getting pretty good at it for someone who's never really thrown a frisbee much!
Saturday we headed out to to the Mandarin Arts Festival to look around. I'm fortunate that Tim likes to go to Art Festivals. We enjoyed looking at everything but didn't end up buying anything. As usual we were lookers but not buyers. :)
These were all Aunt Eileen's kids, grandkids and all their families. Aunt Eileen just passed away last month, so I'm sure this was a hard holiday for all of them. I'm glad I got reconnected with them though, just sorry it had to be under the circumstances it was. Too often it takes a death to make us appreciate the life we have and love those around us a bit more.
Here's a photo of the kids just before they headed out to hunt for eggs. I loved just watching the kids run around excited, looking for these little plastic eggs like they had never done it before....
We had a good day and I was glad when I got home and got to put up my feet and relax! :)
It was a busy weekend, but a good one. Now, if I can just survive the rest of Spring Break with Julian at home! :)
1 comment:
It's been a year since you wrote any updates. What's going on?
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