We've been cooped up in the house for 3 days and we definitely have cabin fever. The rain has been relentless for the past few days and comes in waves along with the bands of the storm. You can see a band of the storm coming in over the ocean in the photo to the right.
(I didn't take the photo, but wanted to show you want the bands look like.)During one of the breaks in the rain today, we got in the truck and took a ride just to get out of the house and see how things looked outside. Plus, we were in need of a chocolate fix! There's something about being stuck in the house during a storm that makes us eat way too much... it seems like that's all we are doing. We'll probably each gain 5 lbs before this storm is over!
(We did stop at the grocery store and pick up some cookies)
This storm track photo shows that the storm has already passed us by quite a bit. What it doesn't show is that all the bad stuff is to the East of the storm (where we are) and so we have been getting pounded with rain for the past couple of days while Fay just stalled over us. We had one tornado scare, but fortunately it was about 10 miles south of us and didn't come where we are.
Tim has been out of work for 2 days. JT has been out of school for 3 days and I have been having to share the house I'm used to having to myself with the two of them. Poor JT has already used up 3 of his allotted "weather days" so it looks like the holiday weekends will be shorter for him now.

During another break in the rains today JT and I went out so he could play in the puddles and do some skimboarding. He's not had alot of experience with it so he's just learning. He had a couple of good rides though. I was worried he was going to hurt himself and have to miss Karate graduation tonight. Unfortunately for him, that apparently was cancelled tonight. He's due to get his brown belt so he's pretty excited about getting it. He'll have to wait though. Unfortunately for Tim and me, this was also supposed to be a parent's night out and we were supposed to go on date. Hopefully they'll reschedule that too.
It looks like we'll have a couple of more days of rain, but other than that, it shouldn't be too bad.
You can view the rest of the photos we took today at
http://picasaweb.google.com/rtungett/TropicalStormFayHope everyone has a great weekend! We're looking forward to seeing the sun again... maybe Monday.
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