Wind: 35-45 mph; gusts to 55 mph; 1'-3' tide rise, bands of occasional heavy rain mostly Wednesday, becoming heavier and steady Thursday. Isolated tornadoes possible Thursday night; potentially 6-10 inches of rain.
School has been closed for the past two days and will be closed again tomorrow. Tuesday was really a wasted day off since we just had a bit of rain. Today hasn't been so bad yet here.... the wind is just starting to gust outside, but it has been raining all day.
Tim got a call this morning from his boss saying his work campus was closed, so fortunately she caught him before he left for work. Too bad she didn't catch him before he got out of bed and showered.
So, here the 3 of us sit.... still in our PJ's, watching TV, reading, playing video games... whatever. The lights have flickered on and off a couple of times, but so far we've had no outage to speak of. I'm sure that will change as the storm moves in more and the big bands of rain hit us. We are in an area that has a lot of trees and trees are always falling causing damage to homes and power outages. I just pray we get no trees falling in our yard. There are a couple in the back yard that make me nervous.
Another transformer just blew down the street - lights flickered. I better post this before I lose my connection totally.
It was crazy skeery driving on 295 and I-10 this morning! My back yard and horse pen are flooded and we have no power. Reminds me of the storms of 2005.
You are crazy for driving into work today! I can't believe Bobby let you go!
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